Due to the high up front costs associated with attaining venues, creating teams, creating customized team gear, insurance etc. New England Sports does NOT offer a refund once the player has registered for any of our sports programs. Occasionally and on a case-by-case basis, NES may offer a credit towards a future season for a player that has been injured and has a letter from a doctor stating they are unable to play. This must be prior to the start of the season and is at the full discretion of the League Commissioner Nathan Farrar to make that decision.
For any games that need to be canceled due to weather or act of God, NES is NOT responsible to make them up. These games will be removed from the schedule and league statistics/rankings. Given the expense of the venue and season, no refunds or credits will be given for canceled games that are not made up. Note: IF games are canceled due to any issues related to the New England Sports League, we will try to make them up at a later date.
*********************************** NES FLAG FOOTBALL RULES & REGULATIONS *****************************
For NES 5v5 Flag Football, two teams of 8-11 players will compete with five players per team on the field at a time. Note: Our Adult Divisions must carry a minimum of ten players but may have up to 15 players maximum on their roster if they choose.
Five players on Offense and five players on Defense. Two Captains from each team will meet at midfield for the Coin Toss. The AWAY team calls it. The winner will determine the first possession of the ball and the opposing team will determine the direction.
Once both teams have taken the field, the referee will place the NEW YELLOW DISC indicating the Line Of Scrimmage and then blow the whistle to start the game. Note: This same procedure will take place in the second half. At the beginning of each half, the Offense MUST wait until the Referee blows the whistle to snap the ball. *Note: At all other times in the game, once the ball is “spotted” it is a live ball and the Offense may immediately run a play if they choose. Note: Teams have a 40-second play-clock to run a play. Defenses should be aware that the Offense does NOT have to wait for the Defense to set up prior to snapping the ball.
There are NO kick offs or actual punts. The Offense starts on their own 5-yard line. They will take possession and have 4 downs to cross midfield (*marked by a Green Cone) for a first down.
The ball must be snapped between the legs of the Center to start each play. *Or pitched backwards in the Woman’s 30+ league. For 5v5 Flag Football, the Center is the only player required to be set on the LOS (Line of Scrimmage). The Quarterback is set under Center or in the shotgun position and the three Receivers/Running Backs may be set on or off the LOS. *In the Adult Women’s division, the Center may pitch the ball backwards on the snap instead of through her legs.
Note: In the Women’s 30+ league, the ball must stay on the field until it is snapped. The moment the ball is lifted/moved, it is snapped and is a live “snapped” ball.
The Quarterback is the first player to take possession of the ball from the Center. All other players are eligible Receivers. To “take possession” of the football is defined as: A player being handed the football from another player and that other player is not holding or touching the football even if it’s for just a moment.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Quarterback may run and advance the ball ONLY if he/she is Blitzed by the Defense that has crossed the Line of Scrimmage. The Quarterback may NOT run if the Defense does not blitz and cross the Line of Scrimmage. The LOS is indicated by the Yellow Disc placed by the Referee. The Quarterback may NOT run if the Offense is in the Pass-Only Zone regardless of whether or not the Defenses is blitzing.
Prior to the snap, only one player/receiver is allowed to go in motion and must go parallel with the LOS. Once a team is set, if more than one player goes in motion, a penalty will be called for illegal motion.
Important Note: A team is “SET” when the Center and three Receivers are in a set position and the Quarterback is under Center or in the Shotgun position. If a Quarterback wants to break the set position and change the formation, he/she must step back and out of their set position and adjust the players accordingly. They must then be all set and not moving prior to the snap. Note: Once they are set, ONE player may then go in motion prior to the snap if they choose.
Once a team crosses midfield and gets a 1st Down, they have 4 downs to score a touchdown. If the Offense fails to cross midfield in four downs, possession of the ball changes. If the Offense crosses midfield and then fails to score in four downs, possession of the ball changes. If that Offense choses to “Punt”, the opposing team would take possession and begin their drive from their own 5-yard line. If that Offense decides to “Go for It” on 4th Down and does not get a first down or score a touchdown, the opposing team would take possession at the line of scrimmage that the ball is spotted unless it’s within five yards of their endzone, in which case the ball will be spotted on the Offense’s 5-yard line.
For all “Punts” or changes in possession after each score, the opposing teams will start on their own 5-yard line. *Interceptions may be returned for touchdowns or receive the distance returned when changing possession.
*For the PAT (Point After Try): PAT’s after Touchdowns may be intercepted and run back by the Defense. If the opposing team intercepts the ball on a Point-After-Try, they may try to run it back to the opposite endzone. If they succeed, they will earn the ONE or TWO points that the opposing Offense was going for.
*IMPORTANT NEW RULE: After a touchdown, the Head Coach must decide on the PAT and if the team will go for 1 or 2 points. Once the Head Coach makes the decision AND the referee has spotted the ball at either the 5-Yard line (1 Point) or the 12-Yard line (2 points,) the team may NOT change their decision. Note: the 40-second play clock will be running while the Head Coach makes his/her decision to go for 1 or 2.
Both teams change sides/direction after halftime. Possession changes to the team who did not start with the ball in the first half. Note: When there is a change of possession or when teams are subbing players, the Offense does NOT have to wait on the Defense to be set and run a play. Only at the beginning of each half or at the beginning of an Overtime in the post-season do teams have to wait to be set on the field. Note: If the Offense snaps the ball and the Defense is subbing players with too many players &/or coaches on the field at that time, a flag will fly and a delayed penalty for too many men on the field will be called. The play will be blown dead by an official ONLY if there is a safety issue on the field.
For N.E.S. 5v5 Flag Football, most teams consist of 8-11 players. N.E.S. 5v5 Flag Football, teams must field a minimum of 4 players to play a recorded game. If a team only has 4 players, they are permitted to compete against a team 4 Vs.5. The opposing team will be able to field 5 players. If any team has less than 4 players, they must forfeit.
All players must have ample and even playing time with New England Sports. Games are two 20-minute running halves. Full 40-minute games will ensure enough time for all players to get in the game on both sides of the ball equally. Each player MUST be given an opportunity to touch the ball and substitute several times during the game on BOTH Offense & Defense. Every player must be allowed to play Offense and Defense during each regular season and playoff games. All teams in all divisions make the playoffs. *6U does not have Playoffs but do have 8 full weeks of regular season games. Any player that wishes to ‘play up’ or ‘play down’ a division must be fully approved by the League Commissioner well in advance of the season.
Registered Players are ONLY allowed to play for the specific team that they have been assigned to. Random players may NOT “fill-in” or “substitute” for a non-roster player… Even if that player is already registered in the league! Any team caught using a “fill-in” player without permission from the League Commissioner will forfeit that game automatically in which they were used and receive the lowest Seed in the post-season as a penalty. The Winning Team of the forfeit will be given their lowest score they’ve had that season and the victory. Note: If a forfeit takes place on Week 1, the winning team will be given a 6-0 win.
Divisions: 6U: A maximum of Three(3) Coaches per team with ONE coach per team permitted on the field at all times during the entire game but must avoid interfering with the game play. *The League Commissioner may make an exception for a 4th coach on a case-by-case basis when necessary.
8U/10U/12U/14U: A maximum of Three(3) Coaches per team. ONE Offensive and ONE Defensive Coach is allowed on the field but MUST exit the field prior to the snap. If a coach is still on the field, in either Endzone or on the wrong side of the field after the snap and it is seen by an NES League Official, a penalty will be enforced against that coach/team. Offensive and Defensive coaches must coach from their specific sidelines on the field during game play. Coaches are NOT permitted to coach from the side or behind either of the endzones during the game. *The League Commissioner may make an exception for a 4th coach on a case-by-case basis when necessary.
NOTE: In the 8U & above, if a coach is on the field after the snap and it is seen by an NES League Official, a penalty flag will fly. If it is against the Defense, the play will not be blown dead UNLESS at that moment, there is a safety risk to the players on the field. An Offensive Coach may choose to decline the penalty and accept the result of the play.
All players are issued a customized NES team jersey, mouthguard, and new NES Custom Pop-Flag belts. Note: The custom NES flag belts that are issued are white with the NES Logo and “The Greatest Show on Turf” written on the flags. Custom NES Team flags, NES Pro Bowl flags and NES Storm flags are all permitted for use in a game. Thery come in a variety of colors and may be purchased at the Concession Stand. ALL players MUST wear legal, NES issued Flag belts/flags and a mouthguard during every game. Players are also required to wear their NES (issued) team jersey at every game. Note: If a player loses or doesn’t have his/her team jersey, he/she may request to play without it from the league commissioner or head referee on the field. This permission is required and the player must wear a shirt that is of similar color or shade as their team jersey. That shirt must NOT match their opponents team colors.
5v5 (Spring & Fall) Games are played on football fields running the full length (Horizontally) and with a flag football field width of 25 Yards. In the Winter, games are played indoors running 22-25 Yard width fields. NOTE: In the Winter 1 & 2 seasons, the field space is limited and the size will be based on venue and field availability.
ALL games are played with Two (20) minute halves. *Total of 40 minutes. There is a 1-2 minute Half-Time intermission. The clock is a running clock and will not stop unless injury, a team calls a time-out or a time-out called by the Referee. Only an on-field QB or a team Coach may call a timeout. Each team receives One 30-60 second timeout per half and they do not carry over to 2nd half if unused. The actual length of time during the timeout is determined by the referee and may vary slightly. For 5v5, the football is spotted on the Line of Scrimmage (as indicated by the Yellow Disc.) and the 40-second play clock will start. When the play clock gets to 10 seconds, the referee will count it down aloud to inform the Offense of the remaining time available. If the play clock reaches Zero (0) and the Offense has not yet snapped the football, a Delay of Game penalty will be issued.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If at any time in the game, the Offense is running a “Rush Offense,” OR if there is under two minutes remaining in the half/game, the Referees may choose NOT to spot the Yellow Disc at the LOS scrimmage to save time. ALL players on the Offense must also be ‘set’ on the LOS prior to the ball being snapped or a False Start penalty will be called.
- Touchdown: 6 Points
- PAT (Point-After Try) from the 5 Yard line (Pass Only): 1 Point
- Two Point Conversion from the 12 Yard line (Run or Pass): 2 Points
- Safety: *QB/Ball Carrier’s flag is pulled or falls off in End Zone or if the football is snapped and lands in End Zone: 2 Points
- Interception on PAT: If the opposing Defense intercepts the ball in a Point After Try and they run it back to the opposite endzone, they will receive either ONE or TWO Points... Whichever the Offense went for.
- O.T. PAT (Overtime Point After Try): Offense goes for 1, 2 or 3 points from the 5-yard line, ,10-yard line or 15-yard line.
*There are NO Safety’s called in the 6U Division. In that case, the ball is spotted back on the previous LOS and it’s a loss of down.
*1,2, or 3 point conversion in a Playoff Overtime. *see Overtime rules
There are NO overtime games in the regular season.
In the post-season, NEW Overtime rules are as follows:
If the score is tied at the end of regulation, the teams will move directly into overtime. A coin toss will determine possession. The team that did NOT call the Coin Toss at the beginning of the game will call Heads or Tails. The winner will determine which team has the first possession.
Each Round in Overtime will be decided by a PAT (Point After Try).
Teams will have THREE options:
1.) To go for 1 point from the 5-Yard line (Pass Only).
2.) To go for 2 points from the 10-Yard line (Run or Pass).
3.) To go for 3 Points from the 15-Yard line (Run or Pass).
Each team will receive ONLY ONE INSTANT BLITZ in Overtime.
If an Offense goes for 2 or 3 points from the 10 or 15-yard line and the Defense crosses the Line of Scrimmage to blitz, the QB is permitted to run as they are in the Run/Pass Zone.
If an Offense goes for 1 point from the 5-yard line and the Defense blitzes, the QB’s may NOT run as they are in the Pass Only Zone.
Both teams will receive ONE Possession in each round of O.T.
If the first team decides to go for 1 and gets it, the opposing team will then get to decide if they want to go for 1 to try and tie and force a second round of OT, or go for 2 or 3 points to win. The team with the most points after the round is the winner! If after round 1 of OT, the score is still tied, both teams will move on to Round 2.
In round 2, the same O.T. Rules apply. However, the team that lost the coin toss in the first round of O.T. will choose which team gets first the first possession.
O.T. will continue with as many rounds as needed until a team wins.
Note: A “Safety” or “Pic-6” by the Defense at anytime in Overtime ends the game and that scoring team wins.
When the Offense is in the Pass Only Zone, the quarterback may NOT run with the ball even if the Defense has Blitzed and crossed the Line of Scrimmage. When the Offense is outside of the Pass Only Zone, the Quarterback may run with the ball if the Defense has blitzed and crossed the Line of Scrimmage. *The Quarterback is defined as the first player to take FULL possession of the football from the Center. The QB then has 7 seconds to hand-off or pass the football. Handoffs, laterals and pitches left, right or back are allowed from behind the Line of Scrimmage as per NFL rules. Note: The QB may NOT throw the ball, cross the Line of Scrimmage and catch his/her own pass. The QB may catch a pass that has been “tipped” by another Offensive or Defensive player. The player that receives a handoff or pitch from the quarterback may run or pass the ball prior to crossing the line of scrimmage. Once the quarterback hands off or pitches the ball, the 7-second QB clock stops. Note: When the ball is handed off, pitched or passed, all Defenders may cross the Line of Scrimmage. The Quarterback may lateral or pitch the ball back, left, right but those passes must be pitched underhand.
The football may NOT be thrown overhand backwards, Left or Right. Regardless of which player throws the pass. A forward pass must be thrown beyond the Line of Scrimmage to be considered a legal pass. All forward passes may be thrown overhand, underhand or a shovel pass as long as they fly beyond the Line of Scrimmage. If not, that pass will immediately be deemed an incomplete pass. A forward pass MUST travel in the air beyond the Line of Scrimmage to be considered legal.
If the QB hands off the ball in the Pass Only Zone, the player receives a hand-off, lateral, or pitch, that player still must pass the ball forward (beyond the Line of Scrimmage) for it to obey the Pass ONLY rule. The *Center Sneak” IS allowed. *If the Center is to run the ball, after he/she snaps the ball, the Center must take a step back behind the LOS to take the handoff and is then eligible to run the ball.
Players may NOT receive a forward pass from behind the LOS in the backfield. That is an illegal pass in flag football. The play will be blown dead and will be deemed incomplete.
There is NO *diving allowed by the Offense to advance the football! *NES defines Diving as a player lunging forward and BOTH of his/her feet leave the ground to advance the football.
Running backs may “jump-cut” Left, Right or Back but NOT forward. That will be deemed a penalty with a spot foul with a 5-yard penalty and a loss of down.
Defensive players may dive to intercept/catch a ball or while grabbing a player’s flag but MUST avoid contact with Offensive players. IF a Defender dives and makes contact ABOVE or BELOW the hip of the ball-carrier, a personal foul will be called with a 10-yard penalty and automatic first down for the Offense.
Note: The football is spotted where the nose of the football is at the time the ball carrier’s flag is pulled or falls off.
Ball Carriers running with the football MUST make every effort to avoid running through or initiating ANY contact with a Defensive player. This is considered CHARGING and is deemed a penalty on the Offense. Offensive players must avoid running in to all defenders that have established a stationary spot on the field and not in motion. If an Offensive player is in motion and runs in to a Defender that is not moving and has established a stationary point on the field, that Offensive player will be called for “Charging”. If the Defensive player is in motion and both players inadvertently collide, no penalty will be called. If an NES official deems any contact by the Offense or Defense that there is intentional or not incidental contact, a personal foul will be called for unsportsmanlike conduct. One or more unsportsman-like conduct penalties may result in ejection from the game. Multiple may result in ejection from the league per the League Commissioner.
All players are eligible to receive passes (including the QB, if the ball has been handed off, lateral pass, pitched behind the line of scrimmage or tipped as per NFL Rules). As in the NFL, only one player is allowed in motion at a time parallel with the Line of Scrimmage. In Flag Football, a player must have at least one foot inbounds when making a reception. The Receivers foot MUST come down inbounds first prior to his/her second foot coming down out-of-bounds to be considered a catch. Offensive players MUST avoid contact with defenders. If while running their route, an Offensive player makes contact with the Defender that has established a stationary position on the field, a penalty will be called for Interference on the Offense. Offensive players must make every effort to avoid Charging. If incidental contact is made with a Defender while that Defender is in motion, a penalty will not be called on the Offense. If it is deemed intentional contact is made by either the Receiver or the Defender, a personal fowl will be called on that player. Two or more personal fouls may result in ejection from the game or season per the League Commissioner.
After the ball is snapped, the QB has a seven-second clock to pass, handoff, lateral or *run the football. *Note: It is legal for the QB to run the ball per NES Rules If the Defense crosses the Line of Scrimmage but ONLY if the Offense is outside of the Pass Only Zone. The QB may NOT run and advance the ball unless he is blitzed and may not run if the Offense is in the Pass Only Zone. The Quarterback may lateral or pitch the ball back, left, right but those passes must be pitched underhand.
The football may NOT be thrown overhand backwards, Left or Right. Regardless of which player throws a pass, a forward pass must be thrown beyond the Line of Scrimmage to be considered a legal pass. All forward passes may be thrown overhand, underhand or a shovel pass as long as they fly beyond the Line of Scrimmage. If not, that pass will immediately be deemed an incomplete pass. A forward pass MUST travel in the air beyond the Line of Scrimmage to be considered legal.
If the QB hands off the ball in the Pass Only zone, the player receives a hand-off, lateral, or pitch, that player still must pass the ball forward (beyond the Line of Scrimmage) for it to obey the Pass ONLY rule.
Players may NOT receive a forward pass from behind the LOS in the backfield. That is an illegal pass in flag football. The play will be blown dead and will be deemed incomplete.
The Referee will count aloud letting both teams know the count. If the Referee gets to “7”, and the QB has not handed off, pitched, passed or ran with the ball, a penalty will be assessed and the play will be blown dead. The ball is placed where the QB was when the Referee blew the whistle for the 7 seconds. Note: If the QB is standing in the endzone when the play is blown dead, it is a Safety. Two points and the ball are awarded to the opposing team. (*Except in the 6U Division.)
Once the ball is handed off, the seven-second QB clock is no longer in affect. *Shovel passes are allowed. *An underhand forward toss is considered a forward pass as long as it is thrown beyond the LOS! Interceptions may be returned for a Touchdown or in a PAT attempt.
Pass ONLY Zones: 5 yards from the end zone and 5 yards from midfield (1st down marker) is the PASS ONLY ZONE. These zones are intended to keep teams from running the football with potential blockers and avoiding any contact/injury. The Pass ONLY zone is in effect when the offensive team is trying for a touchdown or first down within five yards of the line. The ball must be passed. NOTE: In the Pass Only Zone, All forward passes MUST be thrown BEYOND the Line of Scrimmage. Any pass that does not go past the Line of Scrimmage will NOT be considered a legal forward pass and be considered incomplete. In the Pass-Only Zone, the QB may hand off the ball, however, the player receiving the handoff must still pass the ball to another receiver beyond the Line of Scrimmage to obey the Pass-Only rule. Alternatively, any other spot on the field outside the Pass Only Zone it deemed Run/Pass and is legal to run or pass the ball per NES Flag rules.
*Quarterbacks may NOT run the ball in the Pass Only zone even if they are Blitzed by the Defense.
NOTE: For the 6U Division, the Pass Only zones are limited and only located at each Endzone and NOT at the first down marker at midfield. Also there are no “Safety’s” in the 6U division.
All Defenders who choose to rush the QB and cross the Line of Scrimmage before the ball is thrown or handed off may line up at the Line of Scrimmage but MUST wait until ball is snapped AND the Referee counts aloud to THREE before crossing the Line of Scrimmage to attack. *Note: TWICE per half, each team may Blitz without waiting for the Referee to count to three. A Blitz during the PAT is counted as one of the team’s two Blites per half. NES League Officials will keep track of the number of blitzes used per half, per team. Coaches must look at the NES Referee’s “Blitz Belt” to see how many blitzes each team has remaining in each half. Once a team uses a blitz, the Referee on their side of the field will remove one green Blitz Flag indicating that one of their blitzes has been used. Once both blitzes have been used, both Blitz Flags on the Referees belt will be removed.
NEW RULE: A Defender/Blitzer IS allowed to intercept the ball that has been snapped to a QB that is in the Shotgun position.
NOTE: The Defender is NOT allowed to make contact with the QB during the Blitz or trying to catch the shotgun snapped football.
A Defender is NOT allowed to make any contact with an Offensive player in a stationary position on the Line of Scrimmage in effort to get to the Quarterback. If the Offense is lined up in a tight formation, the Defender that is blitzing may not force his way through making contact while trying to split the Offense. The Blitzer must go around the offensive players avoiding contact or wait for them to cross the LOS to pursue the QB safely.
*Contact made by a Defender to an Offensive player in a stationary position will be called for Intentional Contact.
Offensive players must NOT make any contact with the Defenders when they are in motion.
*Offensive players that are in motion that make contact with a defender will be called for CHARGING.
As many Defensive players as a team chooses are permitted to Blitz the Quarterback from the Line of Scrimmage. NOTE: If a player that is Blitzing causes the Offense a penalty prior to the ball being snapped, the blitzing team is not charged a Blitz. Example: If the Offense suspects a Blitz and jumps prior to the snap causing a “False Start.” If the play has not executed, the Blitz is not charged to the Defending team.
However, If a penalty is caused by the Defense, the Offense has the option to take the gained yardage and decline the penalty OR replay the down and enforce the penalty.
NOTE: If the Offense chooses to decline the penalty and accepts the gained yardage, the Defense will lose their Instant Blitz. If the Offense chooses to enforce the penalty, the Defense does NOT lose their Instant Blitz.
Once a Defender crosses the Line of Scrimmage the QB is permitted to run with the ball as long as the Offense is NOT in the Pass Only Zone. If a Defender crosses the Line of Scrimmage prior to the ball being snapped OR if the team has already Blitzed twice in that half, a *delayed penalty will be called on the Defense. *The Referee will throw a flag but NOT blow the play dead. The Offense will have the option to enforce the penalty or decline the penalty and accept the result of the play. NOTE: There is absolutely NO contact with the QB allowed by the Defense. Physical contact with a QB will result in a personal foul with a 10-yard penalty and automatic First Down. All players not rushing the QB may defend on the line of scrimmage (but not cross it) until the Referee counts aloud to THREE or the ball leaves QB hands that in which time the Defender may cross the LOS legally.
***When a Defender pulls a player’s flag, He/she shall hold the flag up to indicate to the Referee that it has been pulled. The Defender will hand the flag back to the Offensive player. The flag is NOT to be thrown or dropped on the ground.
The play is ruled dead when:
- The Referee blows the whistle.
- *Inadvertent whistle: Referee accidently blows the whistle.
- The Ball Carrier’s flag is pulled.
- The Ball Carrier steps out of bounds.
- The Quarterback steps over the LOS prior to handing off or passing the football and is not legally allowed to run the football.
- Touchdown or Safety is scored.
- The Ball Carrier’s knee, elbow, or body hits the ground.
- The Ball Carrier’s flags fall off.
- *The Ball Carrier’s flags are NOT positioned on the players hips, the flags tucked in or hidden by the jersey making them difficult to pull. (*all are at the Referee’s discretion.)
- The football hits the ground. Incomplete pass, bad snap, dropped while running, etc. Note: The ball is spotted where the nose of the ball was when the ball carriers flag fell off or it was pulled.
Note: I the 6U, many of these ‘Dead Ball’ penalties are NOT enforced to give the 6U players a chance to learn and understand the game.
*Inadvertent Whistle: The Offense has the option to Reply the Down or keep the progress made at the point the whistle sounded.
Note: If the inadvertent whistle happens AFTER an interception, the defending team will retain possession and the ball will be spotted where it was when the whistle blew. The Offense will NOT get a chance to replay the down.
At the beginning of each half, the Offense MUST wait for the official to spot the ball, get in position and blow the whistle to snap the ball. Other than that, it is a ‘live ball’ when it is spotted by the Referee.
All defensive penalties may be declined by the Offense *EXCEPT FOR PERSONAL FOULS.
All NES League official referees go through rigorous training and have a full understanding of the NES Rules & Regulations prior to officiating any games. They are well-versed in flag football and are trained to watch for specific infractions on the field and sidelines. All NES referees have specific points on the field they occupy giving them a clear view of the action. NES referees are positioned on opposite sides of the field on the Line of Scrimmage giving them a clear view of the game up & down the field. All penalties are called by League Officials. The Officials have to make split second calls during the chaotic speed of the game and will be granted time to do so. If there is a question about a play, the Referees will stop the clock, convene, and discuss it. They will then make the decision based on which referee they feel had the best view/angle of the play. Once a decision is made on a call, that decision is final. In the rare instance that more clarification needs to be made, they may get the League Commissioner (Nathan Farrar) or the Field Manager (James Agganis) involved to make the final call on it.
Referees determine incidental contact that may result from normal run of play.
IMPORTANT NOTE: ONLY the Head Coach may calmly and respectfully ask the referees for clarification about a call. Assistant Coaches and players are NOT permitted to ask NES League Officials about a call or penalty.
Assistant Coaches are there to ensure all players get ample and even playtime and assist the Head Coach with team duties. Assistant Coaches may ask a Referee situational game-related questions that include: *What down is it? Do we have a Time-out? Do we/they have any Blitzes left? However, Assistant Coaches are NOT permitted to discuss any calls or penalties issued by an NES Referee.
**If they do, a warning will be given. Any additional times, a penalty will issued to the team.
Note: Players may NOT question the referees judgment calls. If a player or coach is yelling, cussing, berating or trying to intimidate a Referee, his/her questions are null & void and it may result in a personal foul against him/her and the team. He/she may also be ejected from the game and or the season! This type of behavior is NOT tolerated and has no place at New England Sports.
Multiple personal fouls may result in ejection of a player or coach &/or force a team to forfeit the game.
Each Referee will have a black Referee belt with Two Neon Green “BLITZ” Flags attached. The Blitz flags indicate how many Instant Blitzes each team has remaining. The Referee positioned on each side of the field will track the number of Instant Blitzes used by that team on their side of the field. When an instant Blitz is used by a Defense, the Referee on the side of the field that Defensive team is on will pull & throw a neon green instant Blitz flag indicating an Instant Blitz has been used. Once both instant blitzes have been used, the Ref will not have any flags on his belt indicating that team has NO instant Blitzes remaining.
IMPORTANT NOTE: IF a Referee forgets to pull an Instant Blitz Flag and still has the instant blitz flag on his belt, that team will still have the ability to blitz regardless of whether or not the Ref forgot to remove it from his belt. *Coaches should not ask the Referees how many instant blitzes a team has remaining. ALL coaches should look at the Referees instant Blitz flags to determine how many instant blitzes each team has remaining.
Offsides – Defender crosses the LOS prior to the snap and then the ball is snapped while the Defender is beyond the LOS or the Defender lines up over the LOS: 5 yards and automatic 1st Down (*delayed whistle)
Pass Interference – Defender makes physical contact preventing Receiver from fairly catching the football: Spot Foul/Automatic 1stDown
Roughing the Passer/Illegal Contact - *Contact with ANY part of the QB’s arms, legs, body or head. *Running into the QB: 10 yards & Automatic First Down
Holding: Defender pulls on Receivers clothes or body preventing progressive movement: 5-Yard penalty & automatic First Down.
Illegal Flag Pull - Defender pulls the flag before receiver has ball: 5 yards & automatic First Down.
Encroachment/Illegal Blitz – Defender lines up over the LOS, the Defending team has already used their two Blitzes and crosses the LOS prior to the Ref counting to THREE: 5 Yard Penalty and automatic 1st Down.
Intentional Contact - Contact intentionally made with another player to disrupt a route, move a player or prevent from grabbing a flag. Contact made with any part of the body to another. Contact made while diving at another player: Personal foul and will be charged 10 yards and automatic First Down.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct – TACKLING, TRIPPING, STRIPPING THE BALL, PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH A QB or BALL CARRIER, CUSSING, SWEARING, PUSHING, INTIMIDATING A PLAYER OR LEAGUE OFFICIAL OR FIGHTING. *10 yards from spot of foul/automatic First Down AND potential ejection. **Second Personal Foul by same player must get Commissioner (Nathan Farrar) or Field manager (James Agganis) involved for possible Ejection of that player. Third Personal Foul by a team: Team Forfeits and loses that game EVEN if they’re ahead in the score of that game!
*Neither half of the game may end on a Defensive penalty unless the Offense declines it.
Illegal Motion - False Start: More than one player goes in motion after the Offense is set or an Offensive player jumps prior to the snap: 5-yard penalty & Loss of Down.
Illegal Forward Pass - pass does NOT fly beyond L.O.S. or if it’s an overhand pass backwards: Incomplete Pass & Loss of the Down.
Illegal Run – QB crosses the LOS prior to a Defender crossing the LOS to Blitz or if in the Pass Only zone: 5 yard penalty & Loss of the Down.
Offensive Pass Interference – Illegal pick-play, pushing off Defender, Offensive Pass interference: 5 Yards & Loss of the Down.
Flag Guarding – Offensive player uses his hand, arm, elbow, any other part of their body or the ball to prevent the Defender from grabbing their flag: Spot penalty, 5 yard loss and loss of the down.
Charging – Intentional or accidental contact with a defender while the ball carrier in motion: 5 Yard loss from the spot of the Foul and Loss of the Down. Note: If deemed intentional, may result in a personal foul with 10 yard loss of down and possible ejection of the game.
Blocking: Offensive players running with the ball-carrier once they cross the Line of Scrimmage. Note: Offensive players that are NOT carrying the ball MUST freeze in place and stop running when anywhere in the vicinity of the ball-carrier after they cross the Line of Scrimmage.
Delay of Game – 40 second play clock expires prior to the Offense snapping the ball: 5 Yard loss and & Loss of the Down - Note: on 3rd Down, this would force a force the team to either punt or “Go for It.” If this penalty happens on a 4th Down, this would result in a turnover on Downs.
Important: The Offense may NOT use the delay of game penalty or a ‘sack’ of the QB to be pushed back out of the “Pass Only Zone”. If an Offense is in the Pass Only Zone and a delay of game penalty happens or the QB is sacked in the backfield, despite being back several yards, the Offense will STILL be in the pass only zone. This rule applies for the first down marker and the endzone. Note: A team may not be penaltied into or out of the Pass Only Zone.
Pass Clock: - QB does not hand off, throw or run the football within in 7 seconds: Loss of Down & Ball spotted at point QB was when clock ran out. Note: IF QB is in End Zone, play results in a Safety. **NES does not call “Intentional Grounding “under any circumstances.
Illegal Run - QB runs and advances the ball beyond the Line of Scrimmage prior to a Defender crossing the Line of Scrimmage to Blitz or in the Pass Only zone: 5 Yard Penalty and loss of the Down.
Unintentional False Start – The Center comes to line up and accidently kicks the football off the Line Of Scrimmage: 5-Yrd & Loss of Down.
Flag Tampering - An attempt to tamper with the flag belt making it difficult for a Defender to pull off: This is grounds for a potential ejection, disqualification of the team &/or forfeiting of the game.*Referee has discretion for one warning.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct - *10 yards from LOS and Loss of Down/ Warning for potential ejection. * Second Personal Foul by same player must get the Commissioner (Nathan Farrar) involved for possible Ejection of that player. Third Personal Foul by a team: Team Forfeits and loses that game EVEN if they’re ahead in the score of that game!
If on the field, a Referee, NES Staff Member or the League Commissioner witnesses any acts of taunting, bullying, tackling, elbowing, cheap shots, blocking or ANY unsportsmanlike act, by a player, coach or fan, the game will be stopped and the player/coach or fan may be ejected from the game and potentially ejected from the league. Tampering with Flags in an attempt to make them difficult to pull out is immediate disqualification for that team and opposing team gets the win.
Officials have the right to determine offensive language. Offensive language towards officials, opposing players, teams or spectators is not acceptable in this league. If this occurs, the referee may choose to give one warning or chose to eject them from the field and premises based on the severity. The game will not continue until the ejected party has left the premises. If they do not leave, the referee will forfeit the game immediately and award the Win to the opposing team regardless of the score. If any such incident occurs, the Referee must get the League Commissioner (Nathan Farrar) or Field manager (James Agganis) involved.
All updated Rules, Guidelines and Penalties were written and approved by the N.E.S. League Commissioner for the years of 2023-2024. All participants on New England Sports properties during sponsored N.E.S. events must adhere to our strict code of conduct and high standard set by New England Sports LLC. All rules and regulations are agreed upon by New England Sports LLC Owners, Employees, Referees, Volunteers, Players, Coaches, Spectators, Vendors and Affiliates. All penalties and ejections of a player, coach or spectator are enforced by N.E.S. Referees, Field Manager and the League Commissioner. *Expulsion from the league must come from the League Commissioner.
Nathan Farrar, League Commissioner
New England Sports League
Office: 978-880-7944